(a) the number of population and the area covered under Landline Telephone Services and Mobile Telephone Services in the country, State-wise including Gujarat;

(b) the details of the extension and development programme of the Landline and Mobile Telephone Services in the country, State-wise including Gujarat;

(c) the amount allocated for Telecom Sector in the country during the last three years and the current year, State-wise including Gujarat;

(d) whether the amount has been fully utilised in this regard;

(e) if so, the details thereof; and

(f) if not, the reasons therefor?

Answer given by the minister


(a) Madam, Circle wise details of population and area covered by Mobile Telephone Services as on 30.6.2010 by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) are given in Annexure-1(a). Landline Telephone Services are available in all the cities in the country and 566333 villages out of 593601 inhabited villages as per Census 2001 are provided with Village Public Telephone (VPT). Circle wise details of villages covered with VPT by BSNL as on 30.6.2010 are given in Annexure-1(b).

(b) Circle wise details of target of the Fixed line (Landline + WLL) and Mobile Telephone Services for the year 2010-11 for BSNL are given in Annexure-2.

(c) State wise amount allocated by BSNL during the last three years and the current year is given in Annexure-3.

(d) The amount could not be utilized fully.

(e) State wise details of amount utilized are given in Annexure-3.

(f) Regarding the underutilization of outlays during last three financial years, the following factors are mainly attributable:

i. Delay in supply due to litigation, a case filed by one of vendor in Hon’ble High Court of Delhi.
ii. Non acceptance of Advance Purchase Order by one of the successful bidder.
iii. Delay in supply of equipment beyond scheduled delivery period.
iv. Delay/Non supply of equipment by a PSU due to its resources crunch.
v. Delay in delivery, validation and A/T of Broadband multiplay equipment.
vi. Delay in availability of spectrum and Standing Advisory Committee on Frequency Allocation (SACFA) clearance from Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) .
vii. Delay in getting permission from local bodies for erection of roof top towers in some of the States.
viii. Delay in getting electricity connections from State electric companies in some of the States.
ix. Delay in network rollout by the equipment vendors due to shortage of resources with them.